25 Ağustos 2023 Cuma

Darrin Johnson Jr. posted: Oh wow

Darrin Johnson Jr.'s avatar
Darrin Johnson Jr.
Oh wow twitter.com/WrestleOps/sta…
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#Keezus's avatar
I moved over an HOUR away and I still go to my same barber. It takes me bout 5-6 weeks between cuts now but I stayed loyal 🥹🤞🏽 twitter.com/crackcobain__/…
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Marcus in buffalo's avatar
Marcus in buffalo
At some point...it becomes more than words.
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Dwayne Johnson's avatar
Dwayne Johnson
Im heartbroken over the news of Bray Wyatt's passing. Always had tremendous respect and love for him and the Rotunda family. Loved his presence, promos, in ring work and connection with @WWE universe.
Very unique, cool and rare character, which is hard to create in our crazy…
Dwayne Johnson's Photo
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TRILL's avatar
Gotta have self-control over self & discipline
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Jo-Jo Dancer's avatar
Jo-Jo Dancer
Keith's bio says lover of justice. Justice here is a written apology to the driver and maybe moving out of DC. We prefer him to you. You add no value. twitter.com/keithlovesmang…
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